
VA11.4.024 – Ballingly Joinery 2000 Ltd.

Ceardlann Comhairle Chontae Loch Garman Úsáidí Tionscail Oifig Stórais
VA11.4.024 - Ballingly Joinery 2000 Ltd.

VA98.3.055 – Bank of Ireland (Nenagh)

Banc Comhairle Chontae Thiobraid Árann Miondíol (Siopaí)
VA98.3.055 - Bank of Ireland (Nenagh)

VA98.3.054 – Governor & Company of the Bank of Ireland, Kilkenny

Banc Comhairle Chontae Chill Chainnigh Miondíol (Siopaí)
VA98.3.054 - Governor & Company of the Bank of Ireland, Kilkenny

VA95.1.105 – Healy Manufacturing Limited

Comhairle Chontae Chill Mhantáin Ilghnéitheach Monarcha Talamh
VA95.1.105 - Healy Manufacturing Limited

VA11.4.022 – CRG (Portlaoise) Ltd.

Comhairle Chontae Laoise Dola Ilghnéitheach
VA11.4.022 - CRG (Portlaoise) Ltd.

VA95.1.104 – Champion Sports Limited

Comhairle Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath Miondíol (Siopaí)
VA95.1.104 - Champion Sports Limited

VA11.4.020 & 021 – CRG (Waterford) Ltd.

Comhairle Chathair agus Chontae Phort Láirge Comhairle Chontae Chill Chainnigh Dola Ilghnéitheach Oifig
VA11.4.020 & 021 - CRG (Waterford) Ltd.

VA95.1.103 – Wexford Harbour Embankment Company

Comhairle Chontae Loch Garman Ilghnéitheach
VA95.1.103 - Wexford Harbour Embankment Company

VA95.1.102 – Mount Salus Press Limited

Clólann Comhairle Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath Úsáidí Tionscail
VA95.1.102 - Mount Salus Press Limited

VA11.4.019 – N6 (Concession) Ltd

Comhairle Chontae na Gaillimhe Dola Ilghnéitheach Oifig
VA11.4.019 - N6 (Concession) Ltd
1 91 92 93 94 95 263